Lord, Hear our Prayer
It has been almost a year since I stood at the altar in front of friends and family and said I do to my best friend. Naturally, I have spent a good amount of time these past few days, re-living those beautiful moments. I have watched video's, flipped through photos, and read little notes I made in my journal. Of course nothing will compare to the actual day, but it is sweet to have numerous mementos to bring our wedding back to life. I think most of our loved ones would agree when I say, Lloyd and I were more focused on our future together than our wedding day itself. We were excited to become husband and wife and we tried not to let the small things overwhelm the true importance, of the sacrament. With that said the details we did plan were done so intentionally, everything had a reason a purpose.
While looking through my mementos I found the prayers we wrote together and had read during our ceremony. As I looked over them again I realized how much these prayers, and petitions had become the foundations for our first year of marriage. Even in the tough times, when we could not find the words, our hearts held these prayers. In moments of uncharted waters we could call to mind what we asked the Lord the day he joined us together. In good times we could rejoice in the fulfillment of what we sought. We were never alone.
In the coming days I know that I will continue to relieve the moments of wedding, honeymoon and first year of marriage. We will eat cake, dance to our song and talk through our favorite memories from the past year. I also know that I can not even begin to imagine where Lloyd and I will be years from now. What I do know is that these petitions that we made to the Lord, in front of our loved ones, these petitions that we wrote together have guided us through our first year of matrimony and I have no doubt that they will continue to be our guide as we move forward.
"For Katlyn and Lloyd as they begin their married life together. May their home be full of joy and
laughter, may God give them good health and may they always find happiness in each other. We
pray to the Lord.
Lord, Hear our Prayer.
By this marriage, two families have been united. May both families continue to be a source of
love, support and guidance through Katlyn and Lloyd’s life. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, Hear our Prayer.
We pray for all here present that God may give you peace in your hearts for today, hope in your
hearts for tomorrow and love in your hearts forever. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, Hear our Prayer.
That through this year of trails our faith has been strengthened and we will continue to look to
the Lord for hope and guidance. We pray to the Lord
Lord, Hear our Prayer.
We pray for the Church, the Body of Christ: we pray that at each moment of our day and all of
our lives we might act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, Hear our Prayer.
For all family members who cannot be here to celebrate with us today. May God bless them and
keep them in his arms until we meet again. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, Hear out Prayer.
May all married couples here today be reminded of the joy of their own day. May they give
thanks for the happiness they have known & may each day find them more devoted to each
other. We pray to the Lord.
Lord, Hear our Prayer.
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